Metoda Ușoară a lui Allen Carr este cea mai bună

  10 Argumente pentru care Metoda Ușoară a lui Allen Carr este cea mai bună Renunțarea la fumat poate părea o provocare dificilă, dar metoda ușoară a lui Allen Carr a ajutat milioane de oameni să scape de acest obicei. Iată 10 motive pentru care această metodă este considerată cea mai eficientă: Abordare psihologică eficientă – Allen Carr nu se concentrează pe forțarea voinței, ci pe schimbarea percepției asupra fumatului. Astfel, fumătorii ajung să vadă tutunul drept o capcană, nu un sprijin. Fără utilizarea substitutelor – Spre deosebire de alte metode care implică plasturi cu nicotină, gumă de mestecat sau medicamente, metoda lui Allen Carr nu cere utilizarea unor alternative, ceea ce o face mai naturală și mai sigură. Fără efecte secundare – Deoarece metoda nu implică tratamente medicamentoase, nu există efecte secundare neplăcute, cum ar fi insomniile sau schimbările bruște de dispoziție. Nu necesară voință extremă – Renunțarea la fumat prin această metodă nu ...


In my last email, I talked about how building IKEA furniture goes VERY poorly for me if I just focus on the instructions without looking at the bigger picture.

Today, I want to tell you about how I lost a client $22,362 in 18 hours because of the same thing.

I’ve been doing digital marketing for almost 14 years. I’ve worked at some great companies like PayPal and Airbnb, and now I work at ClickMinded, a digital marketing training startup.

This all sounds great, but it doesn’t mention the rocky beginnings.

When I first got into the game, I was working at a digital ad agency in Singapore. I knew very little about paid advertising, but I figured I would just learn on the job and didn’t ask for help.

I was managing paid advertising campaigns for 4 and 5-star hotels. My first week on the job, I set up a new campaign, double-checked everything, and launched it.

Pretty happy with myself, I walked out the door on a Friday night and went out with friends.

Early Saturday morning, my boss frantically called me:

Tommy, you spent $22,362 in 18 hours.”

Oh no.

For those of you that are familiar with Google Ads always-changing user interface, I had left Broad Match on, instead of Phrase Match.

That one little checkbox cost my client $22,362 in 18 hours and nearly cost me my job.

That’s one mistake I did NOT make again. Total newb move

1. wedding photography job 

A photographer don`t have a salary. All his money will be according to his job. You must work hard and go to a lot of weddings if you want to succeed. Do whatever makes you happy and work as much as you can. This is the only way to be great.
photography job

best wedding photographers 

If you want to have a perfect wedding then you must hire a perfect photographer.This is the only one who can help you to have a perfect moment. A wedding is a very important event and you must be ready to do whatever it takes to have a perfect moment.

wedding photography tips

wedding photos

2. Portrait photography job

famous portrait photographers 

famous portrait 

wedding portrait 

3. Landscape photographer job

4. Contests


Awards Certificates, Acceptances Certificates

40 Medals PSA, IAAP, OPE

56 Honorable Mentions PSA, IAAP

24 Judges Choice

8 Diplomas PSV

1 Special CLUB CUP award



32 Acceptances

6th Odessos Photo Exhibition 2022 is divided in 8 sections:

OPEN (color only digital) – PSA PIDC

OPEN (monochrome only digital) – PSA PIDM

PORTRAIT & BODY (color only digital) – PSA PIDC

LANDSCAPE (color only digital) – PSA PIDC

NATURE (color/mono digital) – PSA ND

PHOTO TRAVEL (color/mono digital) – PSA PTD


ACTION, MOVEMENT, SPORT (color/mono digital) – PSA PJD 


Supplementary Discount for Group and Photo Club Entries

Group Entries

5 authors – 15% discount

6 - 10 authors – 20% discount

Over 10 authors– 30% discount

Over 20 authors– 40% discount

famous landscape photographers
landscape photograpy
ansel adams photograpy 


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