Cum îți iei mașina nouă după ce te lași de fumat

  Cum îți iei mașina nouă după ce te lași de fumat Ai reușit! Ți-ai stins ultima țigară, ai scăpat de iluzia că fumatul îți oferea ceva și, în sfârșit, ești liber. Bravo! Dar acum apare o întrebare interesantă: ce faci cu banii pe care îi economisești? Ei bine, hai să facem un mic calcul. Cât te costa fumatul? Să presupunem că fumai un pachet pe zi, la un preț de aproximativ 25 lei . Asta înseamnă: 750 lei pe lună 9.000 lei pe an Dacă fumai mai mult sau dacă țigările se scumpesc (așa cum se întâmplă mereu), suma este și mai mare. Iar dacă ai fumat 10, 15 sau 20 de ani, suma devine astronomică. Banii care rămân în buzunarul tău Acum că nu mai arzi acești bani la propriu, hai să vedem ce poți face cu ei. Dacă pui deoparte 750 lei pe lună , în doi ani ai deja 18.000 lei – adică un avans serios pentru o mașină nouă sau chiar o mașină second-hand în stare foarte bună. Dacă economisești timp de cinci ani , suma ajunge la 45.000 lei , suficient pentru o mașină nouă, fără rat...


Top photographers

Top photographers


Top 3 famous photographer

 All those three photographer are the best for you if you want to have a perfect weddind. They all are great and they know how to take the perfect picture. You must want the best for your big day, then you must have a perfect photographer. Hire one of them and you will never regret it.

1. John Dolan -  He worked with stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Bosworth, Bridget Moynahan, Ben Stiller, Will Smith, J.Lo, and Olivia Fleming and Matt Rubin.
2. Aaron Delesie – He worked with stars like: Chrissy Teigen & John Legend, Roselyn Sanchez & Eric Winter, Whitney Wolfe & Michael Herd, Angie & Arthur Blank, The Bachelor for ABC, Feiping Chang & Lincoln Li.
3. Elizabeth Messina – She worked with stars like: Sasha Pieterse, Jessica Simpson, Lauren Conrad, Jason Bateman, Kevin Garnett, Kate Walsh, and BAZAAR Bride Top Photographers Jose Villa & Joel Serrato, and Corbin Gurkin.

Top 3 wedding photographer

All those three photographers are the best that you can hire for your wedding. When you want to have a perfect wedding you must do all you can to have the best team. Try to hire the best band, the best restaurant and the best photographer. You will never regret it.

1. Allan Zeepda – This photographer worked with stars like: Erin Foster & Simon Tikhman, Serena Williams & Alexis Ohanian, Rickie Fowler & Allison Stokke, Jesse Tyler Ferguson & Justin Mikita, Katie Lee & Ryan Biegel, Hamdi Ulukaya & Louise Vongerichten.
2.Donna Newman – She worked with this stars: George Lucas & Melody Hobson, Matt Damon & Luciana Barroso, Eva Longoria & Jose Baston, Howard Stern & Beth Ostrosky, and Sofia Vergara & Joe Manganiello.
3. Sarah Falugo – is the best choise for you. Like she said “My clients crave refreshing results. I have a unique take on the often overly prescribed genres of engagement and wedding photography. When it comes to your wedding day, a cookie cutter template will not—and should not—suffice! “ . Sarah Falugo worked with stars like  Julianne Hough & Brooks Laich, Alex & Erika Orbison, LOHO Bride co-owners Christy Baird & Brian Doxtator, and more.

Top 3 portrait photographer 

All those three portrait photographers are the best that you will see. Jimmy Nelson, Steve McCurry and Eric Lafforgue are known for their perfect jobs and for their photography that is amazing.
If you want to a perfect picture then you must hire one of them. You will never regret it.

1. Jimmy Nelson 

is an English photographer born in 1967 and who is known for his portraits of tribal and indigenous peoples. For the four years Jimmy have travelled the world and was capturing astonishing images.

2. Steve McCurry 

 is known for his color photography. He was born in Philadelphia and graduated College of  Arts and Architecture at the Pennsylvania State University. After a few years of freelance work, McCurry goes in India and learned to watch and wait on life "If you wait," he said "people will forget your camera and the soul will drift up into view.".

3.Eric Lafforgue

 – was born in France and started his career in media & mobile applications. In 2006 he published his photos on the Internetan that will shortly be noticed by magazines worldwide.

There is SO MUCH data in Google Analytics, it’s hard to know where to get started.

The first few times I opened Google Analytics, I would go into deep rabbit holes trying to make sense of what was going on and come out several hours later feeling like I hadn’t learned a single thing.

After talking to dozens of digital marketers, I’ve learned I wasn’t the only one with this problem.

Fortunately, there is a solution.

The  Web Analytics Strategy Guide reveals the exact step-by-step process to massively increase sales on any website with a powerful analytics strategy.

The guide includes:

·         World Map 🗺️: Learn how web analytics fundamentally work in 2022

·         Strategy 💰: Step-by-step framework to create a simple and powerful web analytics strategy for any business

·         Stats 📚: How to easily make sense of any web analytics report

·         Power-ups 🛠: The best web smoking books for 2022

·         Helpers 👬: Great web analytics experts and blogs to follow

·         Quickstart Guide 🚀: Becoming a web analytics pro in record time

·         Traps : The most common mistakes people make with web analytics (and how to avoid them)


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