Idei de cadouri moș

 1. Incarcator solar 2. Cos spate bicicleta 3. Scaun spate bicicleta 4. Cric moto 5. Suport pahar bike 6. Geanta, suport telefon bike 7. Brazi mici în ghiveci 8. Cărți tratare alcoolism 9. Geaca bmw 10. Casca bike, caciula groasa 11. Faruri bicicleta 12. Actibilde bicicleta

Car photos

Car photography

photo car girl

We can say that shooting cars is quite difficult for several reasons
Some tips for shooting the car
1.Give the car a dynamic - moving photos mean a dynamic
2.Light is very important - try to photograph cars in the best possible light
3.Clarity on the car - clarity can be set from the camera and it is important to be correct
4.The location where you photograph the car - can be in the studio or in nature next to a beautiful landscape
5.People give life to photography - try to place a person next to the car to humanize photography

photo car
car photo
photo car trips


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