Idei de cadouri moș

 1. Incarcator solar 2. Cos spate bicicleta 3. Scaun spate bicicleta 4. Cric moto 5. Suport pahar bike 6. Geanta, suport telefon bike 7. Brazi mici în ghiveci 8. Cărți tratare alcoolism 9. Geaca bmw 10. Casca bike, caciula groasa 11. Faruri bicicleta 12. Actibilde bicicleta

How to photograph a cyclist

How to photograph a cyclist

How to photograph a cyclist
You are a photographer and you want to do cycling pictures? Then you must have quick reflexes and to be able to follow moving objects. First of all you must have a great technique and to be able to follow moving objects.
   When you are a cyclist photographer you must know
Zoom in
You must have a great camera and you will do a perfect shoot. You must be able to do a single picture of a cyclist or you must be able to do a single photo but with many cyclists.
Focus on the Face
When you do a picture you must do it during a contest. In that time you must capture a picture with all the cyclists. You must do shoots in continuous mode. You will have a perfect picture when you will use a large an aperture as possible for a blurred background, after that you can isolate the specific rider that you want. Then you will have a perfect picture with the cyclist you want.  You will see that all your efforts will convert you in a perfect photographer.
You must know that different kinds of equipment are needed. You must buy a telephoto lens, a tripod or monopod and all the equipment that will help you to do a perfect picture.
When you do a cyclist picture you must be ready to move. You will run and you will have to be able to walk and to stay in race no matter how weather is it.


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