Cum îți iei mașina nouă după ce te lași de fumat

  Cum îți iei mașina nouă după ce te lași de fumat Ai reușit! Ți-ai stins ultima țigară, ai scăpat de iluzia că fumatul îți oferea ceva și, în sfârșit, ești liber. Bravo! Dar acum apare o întrebare interesantă: ce faci cu banii pe care îi economisești? Ei bine, hai să facem un mic calcul. Cât te costa fumatul? Să presupunem că fumai un pachet pe zi, la un preț de aproximativ 25 lei . Asta înseamnă: 750 lei pe lună 9.000 lei pe an Dacă fumai mai mult sau dacă țigările se scumpesc (așa cum se întâmplă mereu), suma este și mai mare. Iar dacă ai fumat 10, 15 sau 20 de ani, suma devine astronomică. Banii care rămân în buzunarul tău Acum că nu mai arzi acești bani la propriu, hai să vedem ce poți face cu ei. Dacă pui deoparte 750 lei pe lună , în doi ani ai deja 18.000 lei – adică un avans serios pentru o mașină nouă sau chiar o mașină second-hand în stare foarte bună. Dacă economisești timp de cinci ani , suma ajunge la 45.000 lei , suficient pentru o mașină nouă, fără rat...

Shooting cars

Shooting cars

girl  Shooting cars

Ideal photography of my car

Photographing cars is not difficult but not easy. You need to know each car photographed separately. For example, for each brand you have to highlight the car's logo.

Which camera fits?

In principle, any camera is good, but for better results in photography you must have a minimum budget of 500 euros for a new camera. It is good to have some accessories such as photo filters or high quality lenses. The photo flash usually spoils the photo but you can use the blind.

Picture settings.

rally photo
It is good to photograph the cars in raw format in order to benefit from the maximum quality of the photos. It is also good to photograph cars with the aperture as dark as possible to have as much clarity as possible. Adequate exposure times are used for panning, but in order to freeze the picture, exposure times must be as short as possible. If you use a compact camera, set the zoom as close as possible so as not to distort the picture.

Photo accessories

It is recommended to use the tripod in order not to have moving pictures and to have as much clarity as possible. Polarization filter to eliminate reflections. Blend to control the light. Photo lenses from 80mm upwards so as not to distort the image. For shooting the car on the inside, lens as wide as possible to capture as much as possible but also images from as many frames as possible

5 car shooting tips:

tips photography
  1. choose a pleasant landscape - you will probably have to travel longer but surely the photo will be more pleasant
  2. choose the right camera - it does not mean that the most expensive camera is the best choice
  3. the photographer takes the picture not the camera- the camera is just a tool but the intelligence belongs to the photographer
  4. choose a good photo assistant - choosing a photographer assistant is the best choice
  5. the photographer makes the photo settings - don't let others influence you. As a photographer, you do the work, not others.

Have a good road and have the car of your dreams!!!

look at a photo gallery with cars

lukoil girl photo carford rally car photo

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photographer on rally

photographer take great photo car

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car photo



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